How an Intuitive Software User Journey Improves Data Integrity

Data is the new oil. However, this new oil will only generate useful energy if it is processed correctly and not collected for the sake of collecting it. Software providers must build out software and a journey that allows their customers to use the system to intuitively capture all of the data. Without an intuitive journey, data will get lost as users will find other channels to perform actions more efficiently. Let’s do a deep dive into user behavior to understand the importance of data integrity better.

In this world where we can track each user’s behavior, it is crucial to derive the right equation, helping determine the user journey. Software providers can quickly identify a user’s personality based on geographic location, gender, ethnicity, and user network. Based on the user’s personality, engineers can make educated-assumptions on the features or searches a user will need. Let’s take an e-commerce application for a South Asian customer as an example. Based on what we know about the user, we can assume the customer prefers bright colors and prints. In this case, it would make sense to show related content to these trends on the first page or the top few results on the app. These techniques are the key to predictive analysis across any software solution. When implemented correctly, this type of predictive analysis helps user engagement and increases the chances of retaining a user in the system.

While understanding the user profile is just the first step, if the solution is not built around that user profile with empathy, a software solution will never scale to meet its customer’s needs. Today’s users are preoccupied and need to access the information and functions they need with minimal effort. One way to achieve a smooth user journey is to reduce the number of clicks to get the user the information or action they need. Users do not mind clicking if the instructions are easy to follow and boosts user confidence. Developers can also add short messages and icons that direct users to the correct content without additional clicks.

Another factor that determines a user’s journey is the positioning of the buttons. A user is always inclined to viewing all the positive actions on the right side of the page. Even small buttons with the wrong positioning can be cumbersome for a user to follow. These missteps lead to skewed data as users will abandon the action or struggle to perform the action in the most concise flow.

In an increasingly data-driven world, software solution providers need to prioritize a flawless user journey to ensure their customers’ data integrity. Through a focused UI and UX strategy, software companies can take the first step to be the foundation of a data-driven future

The GRID is built with empathy for all users to provide the highest ROI to our customers. Get started for free to implement predictive analysis into your supply chain strategy.


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